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Reducing the levels can remedy the situation. To increase gain, especially to increase gain at specific frequencies with an equalizer. The control on a delay line or delay effects device that controls the amount of feedback. Robust type of microphone which picks up the sound on a diaphragm connected to a coil of wire which moves within a magnet.

Leakage of an audio signal into a channel that iris not intended to be in, from an adjacent or nearby channel. A technique of placing a microphone close to the sound source in order to pick up mainly the direct sound and to avoid picking up leakage or ambience. 1) An amplified signal level put out by an amplifier and used as the normal level that runs through the interconnecting cables in a control room.
BNO Acoustics XR-90 Diaphragm
2) A piece of sound processing equipment that ensures all wanted signals are suitably placed between the noise and distortion levels of the recording medium. It evens out the unwanted changes in volume you get with close-miking, and in doing so, adds punch to the sound mix. A Limiter is used to stop a signal from exceeding a preset limit. Beyond this limit, the signal level will not increase, no matter how loud the input becomes. A Limiter is often used to protect speaker systems by preventing a system from becoming too loud.

2) The action of two sounds or audio signals mixing together and causing regular rises &.falls in volume. 1) A condition where two signals mix together to form one sound or to give the sound of one sound source or one performance. In the event you want to obtain these Home Theater program, then you should try out the BNO Acoustics. They have all of the characteristics necessary and includes terrific designs.
NRG Acoustics 2200 Watts Professional Home Theater System - $150 (North Port)
One is a ground, and the other two carry signals of equal value. Low Z cables and connections are the most common example. A number assigned to each key of a synthesizer or controller keyboard that is transmitted in the MIDI signal.
The flat-topped signal has high levels of harmonic distortion which creates heat in a loudspeaker and is the major cause of loudspeaker component failure. You will have the ability to have being in a theatre theater using these superb effects and surround audio techniques. Instead, they create a breeding ground using full sound surround replicating all over. The control of a dynamics processing device by an external audio signal.
BNO Acoustics 5.1 HD Home Theater - $75 (Port Huron)
Used properly, it can take the edge off or your sound. Used improperly, it can take the life right out of your system and make it sound like an MTV mix. A "balanced" connection is one that has three wires to move the signal.
A buzzing sound made when a note is not properly fretted. Common with cheap guitars or beginning guitar players. AcousticsThe behaviour of sound and its study. The acoustics of a room depend on its size and shape and the amount and position of sound-absorbing and reflecting material. Uses active devices (transistors, IC's, tubes) and some form of power supply to operate.
BNO Acoustics. BP-40 – Best Home Theater System
1) The jack or physical location of where a device receives a signal. A microphone stand equipped with a telescoping support arm to hold the microphone. A European term for the signal sent to the stage monitors in a live performance. The electronic dohickey under the knobs that increases or reduces the strength of the signal running through it. When these get old and dirty, they can make popping noises or rumbles in your PA (As in "my pots are dirty"). The tuned frequency and the lowest frequency that is present in the sounding of a pitch by a musical instrument.
A thin flexible membrane or cone that vibrates in response to electrical signals to produce sound waves. Generally used to mean any unwanted change introduced by the device under question. It is only like using a mini-theater at house.
1) To boost gain of audio at a particular band of frequencies with an equalizer. The opposite of compression; for example, an expander may allow the signal to increase 2 dB every time the signal input increased by 1 dB. Usually undesirable result of overloading sound equipment.
They even have an H D Set of Property Theaters. British name for Preamplifier (A low-noise amplifier designed to take a low-level signal, such as the output of a tape head, and bring it up to normal line level). Provides a high quality source of music, sound effects etc. Also used as a playback medium for sound effects etc. by large theatres with long running shows, although CDR is becoming more affordable by the day.
3) A method of panning during mixing where instruments are not panned extremely left or right. 1) An abbreviation of the term Amplifier (A device which increases the level of an electrical signal. The point a distance away from the sound source where the direct sound and the reverberant sound are equal in volume. 3) Changing the sequence of a digital recording's playback by computer program.

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